Small Mouth Sounds
By Bess Wohl
“Think of this retreat as a vacation from your habits. Your routines. Yourself. And in this spirit, for the length of this retreat, unless otherwise specified, we shall be observing — SILENCE.”
FEBRUARY 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18 2024
Directed by Zachary Chiero
Scenic Design by Natalie Cohn
Photography by Kara Cavalca
Cast: Geoff Johnson as Ned, Conor Sheehan as Rodney, Tara Demmy as Alicia, Cindy Laudadio-Hill as Judy, Stephen Bowers as Jan, and Joy Kilpatrick as Joan
What Audience Members said about our production of SMALL MOUTH SOUNDS:
“I can’t stop thinking about this show. The cast, the small moments, the direction, the tech, and the movements! Just absolutely amazing. I truly was blown away. Another fantastic job, Merely Players-Durango”
“Fun, unique, thought provoking, incredibly acted and directed. And great tech. “
“This show was absolutely incredible!!! Such a glorious night of theatre. Congrats to the cast, crew, and creatives.”
“I saw this last night, and was absolutely blown away by the characters- they were vulnerable, real, and often hilarious. This is a show I will be thinking about for a long time!”
“I was a little bit afraid to go to a silent show. I was surprised by how much I laughed and how moved I was. I loved it!”
“All of those people were so flawed. At first, I judged them, but then I grew to care about every character. Very cool.”
“It was both funny and tender. The acting was superb. What a fun and interesting way to spend a night!”
“Thank you, Merely Players, for presenting challenging pieces. I look forward to them every year. You are a beautiful company.”
Our Review in The Durango Herald:
A Column by Director Zachary Chiero:
Click here to see our program:
Merely Players
49 Wedgewood Circle
Durango, CO 81301
email: directors@merelyplayers.org