By William Shakespeare
“The course of true love never did run smooth.”
At Fort Lewis College Theatre, June 2018
“Director Mona Wood-Patterson has crafted a clear, colorful and fast-paced romp through Shakespeare’s beloved comedy. Employing many dramatic techniques, she separates the formal court of the Duke of Athens from the playful, dreamlike domain of the fairies and the rough burlesque of the ‘rude mechanicals.’ Each realm has its own look, demeanor and movement style, not to mention JoAnn Nevils’ highly inventive costuming… Would that this inventive and entertaining Shakespearean production were running another month.”
– Judith Reynolds, The Durango Herald
A sampling of comments from our audiences:
“Another stellar and creative theatrical presentation. We really enjoyed every minute, and we thank you, your stellar cast, and crew for all the effort that went into it. Everything was flawless, and how everybody can memorize all that dialogue, let alone present it seamlessly in character, is flat beyond me…..Thanks again for all you bring to our town.”
“I laughed until my cheeks hurt. And then they went numb.”
“Laughing for over 2 hours was exactly what I needed. I never knew that Shakespeare was this funny.”
“Wildly inventive and creative …. another Merely Players sensation.”
“A brilliant show! So fun! Thanks for continuing to give us top notch theatre, no matter where the show lands!”
“This was one of the most laugh-filled plays I’ve ever attended. The acting was top-notch and the last-minute switch in venues did not hurt the look of the piece at all… Mona’s directing was spot-on, as usual – so many little zings and giggles that made the whole experience a delight.”
“I don’t recall the last time I laughed so hard and so continuously…literally to tears. The ensemble’s performance was nothing short of brilliant. And, as always, Mona and Charles’s artistic interpretations were ingenious and spot on.”
“Mona and Charles, with this stellar dream cast, have created such a wonderful show that is intelligent, fun, and true to Shakespeare. Many young people were in the audience, howling with laughter and understanding the dreams, romance, and poetry. I wish I had seen this version when I was 8 years old – I would have sought out Shakespeare. Wonderful show..”
Landon Newton as Oberon/Francis Flute
Elizabeth Gray as Titania/Snug
Misha Fristensky as Puck/Peter Quince
Austin Hohnke as Nick Bottom
Adam Fontana as Lysander/Snout/Cobweb
Erika Vetter as Hermia/Mustardseed
Joey Panelli as Demetrius/Starveling/Moth
Amanda Arcomano as Helena/Peaseblossom
Photography by Kara Cavalca
Merely Players
49 Wedgewood Circle
Durango, CO 81301
email: directors@merelyplayers.org